Shipping Notice: We are are on holidays from 18th - 21st September inclusive. Orders on these dates will ship on our return from the 22nd Sept. - Jonathan
Shop Hiatus: We've taken the decision to take a little break from Ollie's Pet Boutique. We will be closed until further notice. Jonathan & the Sausages.

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- The Launch Collection bandanas will be discontinued from the end of the year, 2019. We'll be announcing this soon but feel free to share this info if you wish.


- October Bandanas - We'll be sending out some Halloween bandanas very soon! We'd love if you could post photos and stories about these as soon as posible as we have a small window to sell them.! =)


- You may have noticed we have our own URL shortener We'll be using this going forward for all short urls to make things a little easier.



Below is the quick link to our **NEW** 'Rebarkable - Halloween Edition' bandanas. Feel free to share this in your posts. =)


These are extremely limited - especially Winifred. They will only be available to purchase until 25/10/20. 



Our 'Launch' collection from 2017 is back online in limited quantities from Friday (23/08/19). When we say limited - most designs are very limited and will be gone again quickly. Once gone these will not be back again. Bubblegum & Blossom are discontinued already. Unfortunately as much as we love the Bubblegum pattern we can't source more fabric. Here's some more info incase you want it:

  • Bubblegum - discontinued
  • Rum'N'Raisin - blue & brown gingham/check
  • Blossom - discontinued
  • Divine - pink flamingos
  • Boleyn - strawberries on navy
  • Pea Soup - little triangles on pale green
  • Daisy - small daisy like flowers on soft lilac
  • Full Collection link: (free to share)



Below are some quick links to our 'Rebarkable' collection bandanas. Feel free to share these in your posts. =)




Part of being our brand ambassador is placing a 'blurb' in your social media bio. This blurb is to include details of your discount code and a '@' link to purchase via Ollie's Pet Boutique.


I know it is a little confusing with both Ollie & Penny & Ollie's Pet Boutique to consider and both being intertwined. To help clarify it a little bit; you are brand ambassadors for Ollie & Penny and their products. ie their bandanas. Ollie & Penny sell their products through Ollie's Pet Boutique.


An example of a single line bio 'blurb' could be: 'OLLIE10 for 10% off Ollie & Penny on @olliespetboutique'. You can arrange this any way you wish, but you need to make sure it's clear the discount is off O&P products only on Ollie's Pet Boutqiue and a link to OPB. If you wish you can also reference being a brand ambassador: 'Brand Ambassador: @twospoiltsausages'; you can phrase this any way you see fit. But the iimportant point is you are a brand ambassador for Ollie & Penny. Any questions do le tme know! - Jonathan




Do note links in the side column are currently not active and will not work. We're working on these pages at the moment. - Jonathan


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